Presented By: USF Water Institute

Tampa Bay Water Atlas

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Step 4 of 5: For which stations would you like data?

Select either "Give me all station data" or use the check boxes along the left margin to select specific stations. Following this, select "Give me selected station data" at the bottom of the page to proceed to Step 5, Choose Format. You can always return to a previous step via the summary box to the right.

** OR **

Select individual stations below (5 Stations)

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Station Name [Station ID]Map ItData SourceWaterbodyWater Body TypePOR Dates~ # Samples
Lake Merrywater [19841] WIN_21FLSWFD Merrywater, Lake Lake 02/13/2020 - 11/13/2023 441
LAKE MERRYWATER NEAR LUTZ FL [280719082291400] USGS_NWIS Merrywater, Lake Lake 07/06/1999 - 01/19/2000 6
MERRYWATER [19841] STORET_21FLSWFD Merrywater, Lake Lake 02/15/2006 - 11/17/2014 927
MERRYWATER [STA0066000006600] SWFWMD_LAKES_WQ Merrywater, Lake Lake 08/01/2000 - 03/10/2005 157
MERRYWATER, LAKE [Lake Merrywater] SWFWMD_KenRomie_WQ Merrywater, Lake Lake 08/09/1994 - 01/15/1998 32
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