
When, Why, and How to Contact Whom Regarding What

Who to call about environmental concerns and to report environmentally harmful activities.

For potentially life threatening emergencies dial 911.

Dangerous Boating / Accidents

The operator of a vessel involved in a boating accident where there is personal injury beyond immediate first-aid, death, disappearance of any person under circumstances which indicate death or injury, or if there is damage to the vessel(s) and/or personal property of at least $2,000, must, by the quickest means possible, give notice to one of the following: the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the sheriff of the county in which the accident occurred, or the police chief of the municipality in which the accident occurred, if applicable.

State Contact Information

FWCC, Division of Boating Safety

Local Contact Information

If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 regardless of county/location.

Sheriffs' Offices (non-emergency):

Algal Blooms

A harmful algal bloom (HAB) is the proliferation of a toxic or nuisance algal species that negatively affects natural resources or humans. HABs can occur in both inland and coastal waters. In coastal waters they are often referred to as "Red Tides", regardless of whether water is discolored or of which algal species is involved.

State Contact Information

Fish Kill

Fish kills, diseased fish, or fish with high numbers of parasites may be an indication of a localized environmental problem.

State Contact Information
Local Contact Information

General Concerns/Complaints

Address miscellaneous questions or concerns to these state and local environmental contacts.

State Contact Information

Industrial Waste/Spill

Do not walk or drive through a vapor cloud or spill. Pay attention to any placards – diamond shaped panels with numbers and/or symbols on them. Provide the placard number to authorities. The most important step to protect yourself and others is to avoid or reduce exposure to the chemical.

State Contact Information

For emergencies call 9-1-1

Local Contact Information

If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 regardless of county/location.

Injured Wildlife or Illegal Activities

Reports of fish, wildlife, boating, or environmental law violation.

State Contact Information

FWC, Wildlife Violations
via cell phone, dial *FWC or #FWC depending on service carrier, or text reports to

You may make a report and remain anonymous. To be eligible for a reward, you must obtain a confidential code number from FWC.
To report a nuisance alligator, call 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286)

Local Contact Information

Shoreline Alterations, Wetland Impacts, Permitting (Docks, Seawalls, Dredge & Fill)

Maintenance of a vegetated upland margin and a shallow subtidal margin is important to fisheries resources, water quality and minimizing wildlife disturbance. Shoreline vegetation in general, and mangroves in particular, may reduce the loss of property and lives in the event of a storm.

State Contact Information

Aquatic Plant Removal

A permit is required to "control, eradicate, remove, or otherwise alter" aquatic plants in all surface bodies of water, except for those wholly owned by one person and not connected to any "Waters of Special Concern".

State Contact Information


Local Contact Information

Septage and Residuals Landspreading

The practice of disposing of biosolids from septic tanks or wastewater treatment systems is regulated at the state or county level, and is prohibited entirely in some counties.

State Contact Information
Local Contact Information
  • FDEP - Florida Department of Enviromental Protection
  • FWCC - Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission