Mapping, Data, and Analysis tools to help you visualize, find, acquire, analyze, display and understand water resource data.
Use this tool to find any water resource on any Water Atlas by its name (or alias), or to discover which Atlas pages have information about a particular topic (e.g., historic information, artificial reefs, or nutrient chemistry). Get Started ›
This interactive tool lets you view mapped information about water resources as well as recreation, planning and infrastructure, habitats, and aerial imagery. You can also create and print your own custom maps. Get Started ›
Continuously-transmitting sampling sites can be accessed using this tool. View graphs of current data or download raw data. Ambient and historic sample sites can also be accessed by specifying a particular water resource. Get Started ›
This tool allows you to select water quality, hydrology, or rainfall information from any Atlas. Download raw data tables for use in your own analyses and reports, or let the Data Download tool do the graphing for you. Get Started ›
This versatile tool assists in visualizing spatial differences in coastal water quality, mapping color to sample values. View stored maps, compare months/parameters, or create a custom map by choosing parameter and time period. Get Started ›
All the GIS data available on the Advanced Mapping Application can now be accessed and downloaded via the Tampa Bay Water Atlas' new GIS data portal. Get Started ›
View the geographic distribution and variability of rainfall amounts, access statistical summaries of rainfall in graphs and charts, and download the data for your own analysis. Get Started ›
Southwest Florida's tidal creeks are the vital hydrologic link between estuaries and their watersheds. These assessments of selected creeks characterize their vegetation, bathymetry and bottom hardness. Get Started ›
Metadata identifies data providers, tells where, when, and how often data is collected, and reveals caveats related to its use. Access GIS metadata (spatial/maps), and sampling data (primarily water quality, hydrology, and weather). Get Started ›
Visualize Tampa Bay sea level rise and changes to coastal habitats and the resulting "Blue Carbon" benefits. Get Started ›
This diverse collection has research reports, management plans, assessments, conservation tips, website links, videos, and more. Find what you’re looking for with a combination of map selection, keyword search, and filtering options. Get Started ›
Learn about the habitat restoration assessment, design, and techniques that have been successfully utilized over the past four decades to restore coastal ecosystems in Tampa Bay. Get Started ›
Map services that are maintained by the Water Institute at USF which are not part of the Water Atlas website, but still contain information that may be valuable and useful to researchers, data providers, and citizens.
The Florida Atlas of Lakes is a statewide Atlas that contains all the LAKEWATCH water quality sampling data being collected within the state. Get Started ›
The Water Institute Bathymetry Viewer displays 1 and 2-foot contours for approximately 250 lakes within Hillsborough and Polk counties which were conducted by our field assessment team. Get Started ›
The Water Institute Tampa Tree Canopy and Land Cover viewer displays a high resolution map of 2011 tree canopy cover developed as part of the City of Tampa 2011 Urban Forest Analysis Report. Get Started ›
The Water Institute GLO Plat Viewer shows georeferenced US General Land Office Surveys of Tampa Bay from the mid and late 1800s. Get Started ›
This application shows freshwater wetland change within the Tampa Bay watershed and Manatee County as it occurred from approximately 1950 to 2007. Get Started ›
Map services created and hosted by our sponsors and other friends of the Water Atlas program.
Pinellas County has a new Public GIS Applications Portal which features many mapping applications and an open data portal to access GIS data directly. Get Started ›
Manatee County hosts many mapviewer applications including a property locator, a community services identifier and an aerial imagery download tool. Get Started ›
Polk County staff has developed interactive mapping applications (viewers) to provide residents and businesses access to a vast array of GIS data, including a Flood Zone Viewer and a map about Mosquito Control. Get Started ›
The Southwest Florida Water Management District has several interactive maps that allows users to view a multitude of data including soils, contours, surveys and permits. Get Started ›
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the lead agency for environmental management and stewardship, has many online maps available including a Land-Use Story Map and a map tracking Impaired Waters and TMDL's. Get Started ›
This Data Portal provides timely information about the environment of the United States portion of the Gulf of Mexico and its estuaries for use by decision-makers, including researchers, government managers, industry, the military, educators, emergency responders, and the general public. Observing stations in the region are monitored constantly. Get Started ›
The Digital Coast was developed to meet the unique needs of the coastal management community. The website provides data sets ranging from economic data to satellite imagery and contains visualization tools, predictive tools, and tools that make data easier to find and use. Get Started ›
The Nature Conservancy's Coastal Resilience in the Gulf of Mexico offers natural resource managers and planners easy access to data on the current socio-economic condition and future threats of coastal hazards, as well as the role natural resources play in reducing community risk through conservation and restoration activities. Get Started ›
The Ocean Circulation Group within the CMS-USF engages in physical oceanographic studies of the ocean circulation and the interactions between the oceans and atmosphere. Their approach includes a coordinated program of coastal ocean observations and numerical circulation models. Get Started ›
The purpose of this map viewer is to provide coastal resource managers and planners with a preliminary look at sea level rise and coastal flooding impacts. The viewer is a screening-level tool that uses best-available, nationally consistent data sets and analyses. Get Started ›
Protecting Florida's pristine environment is the DEP's top priority and it has established a method for regulated entities to submit Public Notices of Pollution (PNP) for reportable releases. The DEP's PNP Finder is a mapping application that shows the location and description of all incidents of pollution reported in the last 30 days. Get Started ›