Want to learn more about how Hillsborough County works to prevent residents from being bitten by those pesty mosquitoes? How about view the equipment that's used and grab some free items and information that can help fight mosquito bites at home? Then join the County's expert mosquito fighters at the Hillsborough County Mosquitofish Giveaway and Science Fair.
The first event will be held on April 6th from 8 a.m. to noon at the County's Mosquito Management Services facility. Residents will be able to talk to County staff about the mosquito management program, view firsthand the vehicles, aircraft, and other equipment used, and get free mosquitofish, which help to stop the breeding of the flying insects. Mosquitofish are intended to be placed in intentional standing water where mosquitoes breed. The fish eat the larvae and stop the mosquitoes from breeding.
Residents can view live larvae, pupae, and adult mosquitoes, learn about their ecology and life cycle, and view and learn how surveillance chickens help manage mosquitoes. Residents will also be able to donate blood to OneBlood.
In addition to this event, the County will continue to help residents fight mosquitoes by hosting additional free fish giveaways. The fish are an effective, natural way for residents to control the spread of mosquito-borne disease.
Hillsborough County's Mosquitofish Giveaway Events
Things to know about the events:
To receive fish, you need a photo ID showing you live in Hillsborough County.
Staff will scan or enter your ID information into the County's mosquito database. After that step is completed, you will move up to next station to receive your mosquitofish.
There are limited quantities. Mosquitofish are available while supplies last.
Mosquitofish facts
Mosquitofish are small, native freshwater fish that eat mosquito larvae.
Place fish in standing water such as backyard ponds, fountains, animal troughs, and unused swimming pools to effectively and naturally manage