The Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP), in cooperation with the Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium (TBNMC), is advertising a revised request for proposals to assess the nutrient assimilative capacity of Old Tampa Bay. Recurring summertime blooms of the harmful alga Pyrodinium bahamense, combined with hydrologic alterations and changes in temperature, rainfall, sea level, and salinity, may be affecting the ability of Old Tampa Bay to receive and process external and internal nutrient loads. Technical assistance is required for the following tasks:
Evaluate Existing Management Paradigm and Propose Alternatives
Evaluate Eutrophication Indicator Targets, Thresholds, and Numeric Nutrient Criteria and Propose Adjustments
Management Intervention Assessment and Recommendations
Re-Evaluate Existing Nitrogen Allocations in Old Tampa Bay
Up to $320,000 may be made available to support this work. The anticipated project duration is 12 months. Questions are due by September 18 and there will be a Q&A webinar on September 22. Full proposals are due by October 27th.
Visit the link below to view the RFP or ask TBEP staff a question about the work.