An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Legislature passes funding bills for two Tampa Bay Water projects

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Two Tampa Bay Water projects were included in the State of Florida’s 2023/2024 budget that passed the Florida Legislature the first week of May. Pending the Governor’s signature, Tampa Bay Water will receive $2.5 million for the Morris Bridge Wellfield Improvements project and $1 million toward the expansion of the regional surface water treatment facility.

Funding for the Morris Bridge Wellfield Improvements project will maintain Morris Bridge Wellfield’s existing level of service and increase reliability through the replacement of aging pumps, motors, electrical components and instrumentation. Tampa Bay Water also expects to reduce operation and maintenance costs with these new, efficient pumps and motors.

Funding for the Tampa Bay Water Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant project will be used to retain an engineering firm to develop a basis of design report for the expansion of this important regional facility. The project aims to increase Tampa Bay Water's annual average yield of existing surface water supply to the region by 10-12.5 million gallons of water per day (mgd).

“We thank Rep. McClure and Sens. Hooper and Collins for championing these infrastructure projects that will ensure the Tampa Bay region continues to have access to a safe, high quality drinking water supply for generations to come,” said Chuck Carden, Tampa Bay Water general manager.