An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Tampa making historic investments to improve wastewater infrastructure

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As part of Tampa’s ambitious drive to strengthen Tampa’s resiliency and upgrade critical infrastructure, the city’s Wastewater Department is overhauling several pumping stations, its collection system of sewer mainlines and pipes, and beginning the 10-year Master Plan to upgrade the Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWTP).

These projects are part of Mayor Jane Castor’s historic PIPES (Progressive Infrastructure Planning to Ensure Stability) program.

Today, Mayor Castor and Wastewater Director, Eric Weiss, will discuss these projects with the media at the Krause Street Pumping Station.

“Tampa is a growing, waterfront city facing serious threats of climate change and volatile weather, and much of our infrastructure is long overdue for replacement or upgrades,” Mayor Jane Castor said. “These wastewater projects are critical to making our booming community more resilient and sustainable.”

Wastewater Director Eric Weiss noted his department’s outstanding bond rating has helped Tampa get more bang for the buck through low-interest bonds financing these projects.

Currently underway at the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant is Phase One of the Master Plan Improvements, which includes $32 million in funding for:

  • Construction of a new sludge dewatering facility. This facility will be fully operational later this year. The new facility will reduce the weight of the sludge that is hauled away to FDP approved land application sites. The hauling fees are based upon the weight of the sludge per ton. Less water to haul = less cost to taxpayers.
  • The purchase of a standby power generator to provide a sustainable and reliable electrical supply at the AWTP during power outages.
  • The installation of two 30,000-gallon onsite fuel storage tanks to increase the amount of fuel storage to five days. Currently, the treatment plant has two days of diesel fuel storage in the event of a hurricane or power outage.

Tampa City Council recently approved a $77 million construction project to upgrade the treatment plant’s secondary treatment process. This project will update pumping equipment and technology and includes raising the existing electrical equipment to 13’ above sea level.

Other projects underway include:

  • Krause Street Pumping Station – installation of standby power generator
  • Harbour Island Force Main Replacement Project
  • Replacement/rehabilitation of the wastewater collection systems in Forest Hills, MacFarlane Park, East Tampa and Virginia Park
  • Bayshore Pumping Station Rehabilitation – a design build project that is projected to begin June 2024. This project will include replacement of pumps, piping, valves and electrical improvements to ensure continued reliability of the station.