An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Pinellas county seasonal reclaimed water restrictions go into effect April 1

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Pinellas County’s seasonal reclaimed water restrictions begin on Saturday, April 1, and run through Friday, June 30. Due to supply fluctuations between the north and south county systems, the watering schedules for reclaimed water users are different for customers in each service area. To encourage responsible use of reclaimed water, the following watering schedules will be enforced.

North County Reclaimed Water Schedule

  • Starting April 1, north county reclaimed water customers may irrigate only two days per week based on property address, according to this schedule:
  • Addresses ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8) may water on Tuesday and/or Saturday.
  • Addresses ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) may water on Wednesday and/or Sunday.
  • Parcels with mixed or no address, such as common areas associated with a residential subdivision, may water on Wednesday and/or Sunday.
  • Watering is prohibited between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on all authorized days.

Because irrigation is prohibited on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, the north county reclaimed water system will be shut down on these days, as needed to allow the system to build supply. The system will also be shut down from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on all days of operation for supply recovery.

Customers should monitor the reclaimed water restrictions website for up-to-date information on shutdowns and schedule changes at

Conserving water now will help the County avoid additional limitations due to excessive demand.

South County Reclaimed Water Schedule

  • South county reclaimed water customers may irrigate three days per week based on property address, according to this schedule:
  • Addresses ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8) may water on Tuesday, Thursday and/or Saturday.
  • Addresses ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) may water on Wednesday, Friday and/or Sunday.
  • Parcels with mixed or no address, such as common areas associated with a residential subdivision, may water on Wednesday, Friday and/or Sunday.
  • Lawn irrigation is prohibited between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on all authorized days.
  • Lawn irrigation is also prohibited on Monday.

It’s important to follow these restrictions throughout the year to promote a healthy, sustainable Florida lawn and landscape. Pinellas County Utilities encourages customers to learn about and apply Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ practices, like watering only when grass and plants start to wilt and, when needed, watering deeply to encourage deep, drought-tolerant root systems.

Pinellas County Extension offers information about creating Florida-appropriate landscapes that are attractive, healthier with less water, and are less costly than replacing plants every year. Visit Pinellas County UF/IFAS Extension to view lawn and garden resources and a listing of upcoming classes.

Pinellas County follows year-round conservation measures allowing irrigation using potable, well, lake or pond water two days per week on assigned days based on house address.

For more information about reclaimed water, visit, or call Pinellas County Utilities Customer Service at (727) 464-4000. Monitor the website, as additional restrictions may be implemented if seasonal rainfall is lower than anticipated and the reclaimed water supply becomes limited.