An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

UF/IFAS Extension Pinellas launches Adopt-A-Drain pilot program

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UF/IFAS Extension Pinellas County, in collaboration with Pinellas County Environmental Management, has launched an Adopt-A-Drain pilot program. With summer around the corner, it’s a great opportunity for environmentalists, youth groups and other volunteers to adopt a storm drain near where they live, work or play.

Adopt-A-Drain partners with volunteers in Pinellas County to help keep storm drains flowing by ensuring they are free of litter and debris and marked with storm drain markers. Volunteers will also report illegal dumping, which helps improve water quality. Keeping storm drains clear is especially important during the summer rainy season to reduce the potential for flooding.

Modeled after the successful Adopt-A-Drain San Francisco program, Pinellas County’s Adopt-A-Drain program is funded by Tampa Bay Estuary Program’s Bay mini-grant, which is made possible through the sales of their specialty license plate. Keep Pinellas Beautiful provides additional support.

Groups or individuals can submit an Adopt-A-Drain Pilot Program Interest form online. The Adopt-A-Drain coordinator will work with participants to select storm drains they will maintain. Once finalized, participants will receive free Adopt-A-Drain training and be asked to sign a volunteer waiver form. Upon completion of the training, participants will receive an Adopt-A-Drain kit to help keep their drain free from trash and debris and ensure their safety.

To sign up or learn more about this program, visit