An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Public meeting scheduled for Oct. 6th on Manatee County Piney Point injection well permit

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP's) Drinking Water and Aquifer Protection Program, announces an open house public meeting to which all persons are invited.

During this public meeting, representatives of both DEP and the applicant (Manatee County) will be available to answer questions and provide information about the draft Underground Injection Control Class I Injection Well System Construction and Testing Permit for the Manatee County Utilities' Piney Point injection well (UIC Permit No. 0322708-002-UC/1I, WACS Facility ID: 101607), located at 3105 Buckeye Road, Palmetto, in Manatee County, Florida.

This draft permit would authorize the construction and operational testing of one non-hazardous Class I injection well (IW-1) and one dual-zone monitor well (DZMW-1) for the disposal of industrial wastewater from the Manatee County Piney Point Facility following an extensive review of plans by DEP, including engineering and geology professionals.

DATE AND TIME:   Oct. 6, 2021, 4–7 p.m. (EDT).
PLACE:   Manatee County Central Library, Auditorium, 1301 Barcarrota Blvd., West Bradenton, Florida.
PURPOSE:   To receive public comments on the above referenced draft UIC permit for the Manatee County Utilities' Piney Point site.

Agenda, permit application and related application information

For more information, you may contact Annette G. Roberts:
Contact Name: Roberts, Annette
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 850-245-8336