Applications now being accepted for 2022 Tampa Bay Mini-Grants

Are you an educator or part of a local community organization with an idea for a restoration or educational project in Tampa Bay? The Tampa Bay Estuary Program is now accepting project applications for the Bay Mini-Grants program! Bay Mini-Grants are competitive awards (up to $5,000) offered to community groups with projects that help improve Tampa Bay. Project proposals must address at least one of Tampa Bay Estuary Program’s goals: water quality, habitat restoration, invasive species, public education, fish and wildlife enhancement. This year, priority will be given to proposals that expand the use of Green Infrastructure Practices.
The application deadline for Bay Mini-Grants is September 24, 2021.
Information about the Bay Mini-Grants program, including an information packet with links to application resources, an Instructional Webinar and summaries of previously awarded grant projects can be obtained by visiting
Funding for Tampa Bay Mini-Grants is provided from the sale of the TBEP "Tarpon Tag" specialty license plate.