Public feedback sought on Tampa Bay Regional Resiliency Action Plan
The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council is excited to share the first draft of the Regional Resiliency Action Plan. The Regional Resiliency Action Plan is intended to serve as a guiding framework and defines goals, objectives and actions which can be implemented locally and together as a region. To review the plan, visit the RRAP Draft page.
Please submit your comments and feedback to by May 28, 2021.
TBRPC staff reviewed resiliency plans, recommendations and frameworks used around the country and state to identify promising practices that would work in our region. The TBRPC staff held 10 workshops and received recommendations on best practices being implemented in region. The plan builds on the priorities and work of member governments. The plan defines regional collaboration and actions that will enhance consistency in implementation across jurisdictions. Recognizing that Coalition members have different levels of resources and are at different stages in resilience planning, the plan is designed to support local governments from small to large.
The actions reflect a compilation of best practices, are voluntary and should be viewed by local governments as recommendations.