An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Hillsborough offers virtual classes on recycling, water conservation, cooking oil disposal

Residents can learn more about their role in protecting the local environment through these free virtual classes

Do you wonder about what's recyclable, steps to take to conserve water, how to properly dispose of cooking oils, and what can be flushed down the toilet?

Hillsborough County Public Utilities offers informative classes with experts who can educate small and large groups interested in learning more about their role in protecting the local environment.

The virtual classes are for community groups, local organizations, neighborhood associations, homeowner's associations, businesses, and schools. The County's experts are prepared with presentations designed to engage participants and tailored to the audience's interests.

Recycling and waste reduction

The County's recycling and waste reduction specialist offers steps to recycle right and tips to reuse items and reduce waste.

The presentation highlights how Hillsborough County sustainably manages waste materials, and the advanced technologies and processes used to extract energy from garbage. It also teaches residents how they can help protect the local environment.

Find more information about recycling rules in Hillsborough County. To schedule a presentation, email or call (813) 221-6549.

Water conservation

A Public Utilities expert will explain steps residents can take to conserve water.

The virtual presentation includes examples of how to use water efficiently at home and illustrates how to uncover leaks that might be raising your water bill. There's also a conversation on the County's irrigation restrictions, how that applies to residents, and an overview of watering days and times.

The presentation offers valuable information on rebates that are available for residents who make household upgrades that conserve water. In addition, there's a stormwater presentation to teach residents about the causes of stormwater pollution, how to reduce stormwater pollution, and how to maintain a stormwater pond.

Get more information on Water Conservation or schedule a presentation by emailing or by submitting a water conservation program request form.

Cooking oil recycling, flushable items

The County's Cooking Oil Recycling Effort, also known as C.O.R.E., helps residents properly dispose of cooking oil.

Learn how to get rid of residential cooking oil and the problems it could cause if it is poured down the drain, and find the locations throughout the County where cooking oils can be taken and properly disposed.

In addition, Public Utilities has an educational presentation called "Think Before You Flush," designed to remind residents that there are only two things that should be flushed down the toilet: human waste and toilet paper. When residents flush paper or plastic wastes that are not easily dissolvable, these items can get snagged and tangled in sewer pipes, potentially causing pipes to become blocked and sewage to back up.

Get more information on CORE or set up a presentation by emailing or by submitting a CORE request form.