Low bidder on Port Richey dredging project gets tentative approval
The city manager is taking a deeper look. at the bid by Grubbs Emergency Services.
PORT RICHEY — Months ago, Port Richey city officials balked at a bid for their long-awaited dredging project to improve boating on two channels. When only one bid came in and it was higher than the estimate, they rejected it.
“I believed then that we needed to get dredges in the water,” Mayor Scott Tremblay said last week as the City Council, sitting as the community redevelopment agency, considered two new bids. Tremblay encouraged approval of the low bid.
City council members still questioned the cost, which was higher than before. They also had specific concerns about what was included in the price. The low bid of $816,000 by Grubbs Emergency Services was half the cost proposed by the other bidder.