An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Manatee County considering easing regulations for some coastal development

Manatee County commissioners are considering rolling back some local regulations for development in coastal areas vulnerable to flooding, storm surge and sea level rise.

The topic was discussed during a workshop on Tuesday, and in a future meeting commissioners are expected to consider maps and rules that regulate development in the county’s Coastal High Hazard Area. That information needs to be sent to the state by the end of the year and is needed to comply with the Peril of Flood Act.

Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge suggested a concerted effort to reduce regulations on developers in the coastal area to the minimum allowed by state standards.

The county currently has rules that affect the kind of development, density and intensity along coastal regions that are vulnerable to flooding and sea level rise, and maintains two county-made maps that are not required by the state, according to county staff. Van Ostenbridge said those regulations are unnecessary.