SWFWMD to hold virtual public workshop to update land use and management rules and processes
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) will hold a virtual public workshop at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1, to discuss updates to the District’s land use and management rules and processes.
The purpose of this workshop is to update outdated rules and processes governing the use of District lands to create efficiencies. One of the major changes includes an annual limit on the number of nights campers can reserve per year, which will provide more fair opportunities for all users. Updating these rules and processes will also create greater consistency with other water management districts.
Members of the public may join the workshop via Microsoft Teams through this link: https://bit.ly/3eAg6ML. The Google Chrome browser is recommended for best compatibility with Microsoft Teams. For telephone-only participation, dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter the conference code ID: 346-054-201.
The updated land use rules are posted on the District’s website and the District will be accepting public comment from Nov. 24 to Dec. 7 at WaterMatters.org/LandUseRules.