An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Public comment invited on minimum/guidance Levels for Hillsborough County lakes

Comments are invited for Cypress, Garden, and Halfmoon Lakes

The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) is collecting public comment on the proposed minimum and guidance levels for Cypress, Garden and Halfmoon lakes in Hillsborough County.

In accordance with the directive in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Emergency Order to conduct all public meetings electronically, the District will provide virtual outreach now through Sept. 8 at The webpage includes the draft technical reports, frequently asked questions and a comment card for each lake to submit virtually.

This virtual outreach is an opportunity for local government, residents and others to provide input regarding the proposed minimum and guidance levels. Information will be summarized and made available to the District’s Governing Board. At the Board’s October meeting, Board members will choose whether to recommend adoption of the minimum levels into District rules. Governing Board meetings are open to the public and brief oral comments are permitted on meeting agenda items.

For more information regarding the proposed minimum levels or to submit written comments by email, please contact:

The Florida Legislature requires the District to set minimum flows and levels (MFLs) for priority water bodies within the District. Minimum flows are established to protect streams and rivers from impacts associated with ground water and surface water withdrawals, while minimum levels are established to protect lakes and wetlands. Minimum flows and levels serve as guidelines for the District’s permitting programs and for development of water resource projects.