Temporary Change in Irrigation Hours for Area of South Hillsborough County
Impacted water customers have later morning irrigation window through June 30
Approximately 77,000 commercial and residential property owners south of the Alafia River and west of Balm Riverview Road in the southern part of Hillsborough County have new morning irrigation hours through June 30, 2020. On May 6, the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners approved a temporary change in the County's water conservation ordinance in order to help relieve low water pressure issues for customers on the South-Central water system during peak morning hours.
New Irrigation Hours
Irrigation of new and established landscaping at impacted properties is allowed once, between either 8:30 a.m. and noon or 6 p.m. and midnight on assigned days. No irrigation is permitted for these customers between midnight and 8:30 a.m., or between noon and 6 p.m. Irrigation days, hours for reclaimed water, and other water use restrictions have not changed.
Water pressure in the County's southern service area is becoming dangerously low, primarily associated with the irrigation of new and existing lawns and landscaping during normal early-morning indoor water peaks as people start their days at home and work. Shifting demand peaks is especially important as the region enters the traditional dry season, where increasing temperatures and low rainfall result in high- water use for supplemental landscape irrigation. Periods of extreme low pressure in the water system could result in precautionary boil water notices for customers, and impact public safety by lowering available fire flow pressure.
The year-round water use restrictions for other areas of Hillsborough County remain unchanged. All utility customers and residents are asked to conserve water and eliminate any wasteful and unnecessary water use, especially by finding and fixing leaks.
For questions about Hillsborough County's water use restrictions, call the Water Conservation Team at (813) 663-3295.