Pinellas County beaches to reopen Monday, pools this Thursday, with restrictions
On April 28, 2020, the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners issued modified orders on Tuesday allowing for the conditional reopening of public beaches, public beach parking areas, and common area swimming pools. The pools and childcare facility playgrounds may reopen Thursday at 6 a.m., and the beaches will open Monday, May 4, at 7 a.m.
Pools at hotels, motels, homeowner associations, apartment complexes and long-term care facilities are limited to 50 percent of the stated pool maximum bathing load. Owners and operators must adhere to CDC social distancing and sanitation guidelines.
Childcare facility playgrounds may reopen with CDC social distancing and sanitation requirements. However, facilities must continue to comply with the state order that requires social distancing and no groups larger than 10. Play equipment used by one group of children must be cleaned and sanitized before use by another group of children.
Public beach visitors must adhere to CDC social distancing guidelines. Groups of more than 10 are prohibited, and people not from the same family must stay at least 6 feet apart.
Public beach restrooms must meet CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfection. Concessions, including snack bar and kayak and chair rentals, will remain closed pending new direction from the state regarding nonessential businesses.
Sand Key Park, Fort De Soto Park and all of Fred Howard Park will reopen with the beaches. Honeymoon Island and Caladesi Island state parks will remain closed until reopened by the state.
For additional information related to COVID-19 and current restrictions in Pinellas County, please visit the link below.