Flooding issues in Shore Acres subject of town hall
They are searching for solutions in the flood-prone Shore Acres neighborhood of St. Petersburg.
High tides and tropical storms routinely bring flood water into streets and homes in the waterside community.
Roads become impassible, homes are sometimes flooded. “It’s definitely crazy because if you have a car that can't go through roads that are fist full of water, what are you supposed to do? You get the salt water going right up on your car and its gonna corrode it” said homeowner, Mike Van Alsburg.
Mike and his wife, Shannon visited the Shore Acres Rec center, to hear what steps are in the works to keep scenes like this from happening.
Long-term plans call for adding tech to reduce flooding on the island.
“Definitely pump stations is a consideration. Road elevations are a topic of consideration as well, but nothing is finalized right now. It's all of gathering the details to see where the real problem areas are” said Brejesh Prayman. Director of St. Petersburg’s Engineering and Capital Improvements Department.
St. Petersburg city engineers know where major flooding happens.But they're also asking neighbors to tell them where local trouble spots are located.