Public meeting set to discuss Shell Key North Pass study
Pinellas County has scheduled a stakeholder meeting to discuss early progress on a feasibility study that will evaluate shoaling concerns at the northern portion of Shell Key Preserve. The meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at Tampa Bay Watch, 3000 Pinellas Bayway South in Tierra Verde.
Residents, waterway users and other interested citizens are invited to attend and provide input about shoaling in the vicinity of Shell Key North Pass and the entrance to Grand Canal. Staff from Pinellas County and its consultant, APTIM, will share information about the regional history and coastal dynamics, as well as explain the scope and goal of the study.
Previous dredging will also be discussed to solicit comments on perceived performance and potential concepts for alternatives. The conversation will be framed in such a manner to seek a balance between needs and objectives, environmental issues, coastal processes and potential regulatory limitations.
For more information about the Shell Key North Pass and Grand Canal Feasibility Study, visit Questions may also be directed to project manager Andy Squires at