Free “Blue Carbon” wetland workshop August 24th
Blue is the New Green: Including Coastal Wetlands in Sustainability Planning for Florida
WHEN: Thursday, August 24, 2017 (10am to 3pm)
WHERE: 4000 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 100, Pinellas Park, FL (Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council)
Registration is free. Lunch will be provided.
Coastal wetlands are an integral part of the Florida landscape, providing many benefits to the surrounding community. A newly recognized benefit is the ability of coastal wetlands to address adaptation and resiliency goals through carbon capture (“blue carbon”). Blue carbon presents a new opportunity to address climate adaptation and mitigation, and tap into carbon finance to support coastal restoration through market incentives.
Through this workshop, participants will learn:
- What is blue carbon, and how can coastal wetland restoration support sustainability goals?
- How coastal wetland restoration can generate revenue and contribute to carbon neutrality
- Blue carbon in Florida – case studies of realizing blue carbon potential in Tampa and Naples
This workshop is for regional planning council members, sustainability coordinators, economic developers, urban planners, NGOs, resource managers, etc.
Workshop sponsors include: National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative, Restore America’s Estuaries, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Tampa Bay Estuary Program and Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
For questions related to this workshop, please contact Stefanie Simpson.
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