An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

NRCS funds Anclote River debris removal project

PASCO COUNTY – Pasco County’s Public Works Department applied for project assistance from the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) after the July-August 2015 flooding event. The project was approved and work to help alleviate potential flooding along the Anclote River is now underway.

The project includes removing debris along the Anclote River from Starkey Boulevard to Elfers Parkway and from two ditches which drain to the Anclote River. Bank stabilization will also be performed on specific spots which were eroded during the 2015 storms (see map link below). The assistance requested from the NRCS was under the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program under provisions of Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1950.

Pasco County was notified on March 8, 2016 that the project was approved with a Total Approved Budget of $830,500.00. The construction cost will be $755,000.00, the Federal share includes 75-percent of construction costs ($566,250.00) and technical assistance up to 10-percent of the construction costs (not to exceed $75,500.00). The Pasco County match of the project includes 25-percent of construction costs ($188,750.00) and all technical assistance costs exceeding the ten percent of the Federal share.

The County has started the Debris Removal process and design for bank stabilization is anticipated to start by the end of July. The debris removal contractor has already completed work on the two ditches and has started work on the Anclote River near Starkey Blvd. Work is anticipated to be complete by October 24, 2016.

The Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) relieves imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods, fires, wind-storms and hurricanes. Aid may include financial and technical assistance to remove debris from streams, protect destabilized stream banks and establish cover on eroding lands, repair conservation practices and purchase flood plain easements.