Public meeting July 26th on Cypress Creek watershed plan
Hillsborough County residents can learn about proposed master plan updates and conceptual drainage projects for the Cypress Creek Watershed in northern Hillsborough County at a public information meeting on Tuesday, July 26. Hosted by Hillsborough County Public Works, the meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will take place at the Lutz Civic Center, 98 1st Ave. NW in Lutz.
The meeting will include a brief presentation by Public Works representatives and an open house format with project displays. Residents will be able to provide feedback about proposed updates to the Cypress Creek Watershed hydrology and hydraulics (H&H) model and conceptual recommended flood control projects. The watershed master plan process began in late 2013, and a final report with recommended flood relief projects is expected to be completed in late 2016.
The Cypress Creek Watershed work is part of the Countywide Watershed Master Plan update. This work provides Hillsborough County with valuable information on flooding within the watershed, including an updated H&H model that is used by the County, the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), and local developers as the best available information for project analysis and permitting. The project also identifies flood prone areas and develops conceptual projects and cost estimates that would solve these flooding issues. SWFWMD is cooperatively funding 50 percent of the $290,000 County Capital Improvement Project.
Information presented at this meeting will also be available on the Cypress Creek Watershed Master Plan project webpage (link below).
Questions about the meeting may be directed to Citizen Engagement at (813) 272-5275. Para informaciĆ³n, llamar al (813) 272-5275.