An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

100 volunteers needed to help plant sea oats at Treasure Island on July 9th

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Pinellas County has provided 10,000 sea oat seedlings to be planted for the City of Treasure Island. The city is looking for 100 volunteers to plant this Saturday, July 9th at 7 a.m.

Planting will take place on the beach between 116th and 117th Avenues, west of Gulf Blvd.

Parking is available at the City of St. Petersburg's Municipal lot at 112th Avenue and Gulf Blvd. There are a limited number of donated parking spots so please carpool and be prepared to pay for parking if needed.

Drinking water and planting tools will be provided.

Please bring gloves, hat/sunglasses, sunscreen/protection, and a refillable water bottle!