In Gulfport, you can weigh in on presidential politics... with your butt
With city approval and help from a local environmental nonprofit, a group has erected a turquoise sign along Gulfport's popular waterfront featuring photos of the two presumptive Republican and Democratic presidential nominees and asking passersby to "Vote With Your Butt."
You may ask whether, in a way, you vote with your butt every day, given indoor plumbing is connected to our collective infrastructure, which is paid for using tax dollars, and using said infrastructure is in a way an endorsement of candidates and parties more inclined to support investment in infrastructure (Like crapping outside? Vote Republican!).
Oddly enough, that's not what this sign is about.
It's actually part of a fledgling campaign by the Blue Turtle Green Bird Society launched with the help of grant money from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program.
The aim? To get more smokers to dispose of their cigarette butts.
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