An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Do you garden like a Floridian? Take the survey!

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Tell Us What You Think and How You Garden Like A Floridian

The Tampa Bay Estuary Program has been working on this Be Floridian thing for a few years now.

Yes, we love our plastic pink yard flamingo mascot, and you've told us you do too!

But, can we talk?

Actually, we want YOU to talk, to us, by taking our short survey at this link:

If you live in Hillsborough, Manatee, Pinellas or Sarasota counties, we want to know what you think about Be Floridian. We ask about changes you've made in your landscape to protect the waterways that make living here fun.

And, we ask if you think your fellow Tampa Bay neighbors are willing to make changes too.

Your time is valuable, so the survey only takes about 10 minutes.

The Flamingo Flock thanks you!