An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Hydrilla help needed from Florida LAKEWATCHers

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From the UF/IFAS Hydrilla IPM* Team & Florida LAKEWATCH

Florida LAKEWATCHERs, your help is needed!

Did you attend a Florida LAKEWATCH regional meeting last year (2014) and receive educational materials on hydrilla management? The UF/IFAS Hydrilla IPM Team in partnership with Florida LAKEWATCH would like your input on the materials so we can improve them and produce new materials that would be useful to you!

If you did not receive the educational materials but would still like to provide input you can review the material online while doing the survey.

Please use this link to complete the survey:

Please complete the survey if possible using the web link, if this is not possible you can call 352-273-3954 so that a person can record your survey answers. Please leave a message with your number and someone will call you back.

The survey will remain open for 6 weeks, closing on August 12th 2015.

* IPM=Integrated Pest Management