An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Dunedin Causeway bridges project open house

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Pinellas County, in conjunction with the Florida Department of Transportation, is conducting a Project Development and Environment Study to evaluate the rehabilitation or replacement of the existing Dunedin Causeway bridges. An open house will be held on Tuesday, March 31, from 5 to 7:30 p.m., at the Hale Activity Center located at 330 Douglas Ave. in Dunedin, to provide an opportunity for community input during the early stages of the project development process.

The project limits extend from west of Royal Stewart Arms Parkway on Honeymoon Island to Gary Place/Gary Circle on Ward Island. The project focus is on improvements to the two bridges located within the project limits, the Main Bascule (movable) Bridge connecting Ward Island to the causeway, and the Tide Relief Bridge, connecting the causeway to Honeymoon Island. Improvements along the causeway beach areas will not be addressed.

The open house will provide information to all interested parties about the study process and environmental, social and engineering items that may affect potential options. A brief PowerPoint presentation will play continuously for viewing. In addition, possible aesthetic treatments for a replacement bridge, if selected as the recommended alternative, will be presented. Representatives from the project team will be available to take comments and answer questions. Community input will be considered in the development of alternatives as the study progresses.

Both bridges within the project limits were constructed in 1963. They are considered functionally obsolete because of their narrow width. Major rehabilitation or replacement of both bridges is needed to keep the bridges open and the main bascule bridge operating efficiently. Minor roadway improvements will be needed to transition the existing road to the road on the replacement bridges, if the study determines that bridge replacement is the best alternative for one or both of the bridges.

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who required translation service (free of charge) should contact the Office of Human Rights at (727) 464-4062.