An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Source water protection mini-grant applications accepted

Tampa Bay Water is offering $20,000 in mini-grants to help fund projects and events sponsored by local community groups, non-profit groups, schools and universities that help promote protection of the region’s drinking water sources.

The deadline to apply for a grant is Oct. 31, 2014 at 5 p.m. Applications can be found online at, or by contacting Paula Dye, Tampa Bay Water’s mini-grant program manager, at 727-796-2355 or 813-996-7009.

To qualify for the grant, applicants must provide a plan for a project or event that is related to source water protection in the Tampa Bay Water service area. The program grants funds from $2,000 to $10,000 for community-based activities including but not limited to: river clean-ups, storm water nature walks and educational field trips.