Next “Give A Day for the Bay” Sept. 27th at Fort De Soto Park
Join with other volunteers to remove invasive exotic plants at this beautiful park at the south end of Pinellas County.
"Give A Day For The Bay" is a volunteer program sponsored by the Tampa Bay Estuary Program to directly involve citizens in restoring Tampa Bay.
Half-day workdays are held on Saturdays several times a year, at various parks and preserves throughout the Tampa Bay watershed. Removal of invasive plants is a primary focus of the workdays, along with native plant installation, to help restore important coastal and upland habitats throughout the bay watershed. Watch short videos of some of TBEP's previous workdays at
Volunteers of all ages work hard and are rewarded with lunch and the knowledge that they have played a part in helping to preserve the diversity and integrity of the bay's natural ecosystems.
Wear closed-toed shoes (no sandals/fliip-flops), bring sunscreen, sunglasses, insect repellent, and hat. "Be Green" by bringing your own reusable water bottle; water for refills will be provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
To sign up or for more information, contact Misty Cladas.
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