Presented By: USF Water Institute

Tampa Bay Water Atlas

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Hillsborough Bay Watershed

Hillsborough Bay Watershed



Explore general as well as scientific information about the movement, chemistry and biology of area surface and ground water environments.

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Water Quality sampling site
Hydrology sampling site
Closest Rainfall site
Rainfall sampling site
Multi-type sampling site
Other sampling site

Water Quality

The following data are summarized as seasonal average values for lake and river sampling locations located within the watershed. While these data are useful to serve as a general picture of watershed health, these data must be viewed with caution because these samples have been taken from ecologically different water resources.

Samples from most rivers located in this watershed are averaged as part of these data summaries.
Season Total Nitrogen Nitrate (NO3) Total Phosphorus Orthophosphate Number of Sample Stations Number of Samples
OCT-DEC 2024 1,831 ug/l No Data Available 417 ug/l 0.38 mg/l 67 112
JUL-SEP 2024 1,174 ug/l 191.7 ug/l 590 ug/l 0.52 mg/l 115 217
APR-JUN 2024 1,034 ug/l 368.6 ug/l 453 ug/l 0.36 mg/l 100 197
JAN-MAR 2024 1,076 ug/l 435.5 ug/l 425 ug/l 0.28 mg/l 101 199
OCT-DEC 2023 1,234 ug/l 517.5 ug/l 409 ug/l 0.34 mg/l 116 227
JUL-SEP 2023 1,454 ug/l 294.1 ug/l 544 ug/l 0.5 mg/l 97 190
APR-JUN 2023 1,117 ug/l 288.9 ug/l 522 ug/l 0.4 mg/l 107 243
JAN-MAR 2023 1,241 ug/l 495.0 ug/l 403 ug/l 0.35 mg/l 128 268
Five Year Seasonal Graph
Five Year Graph of All Samples

Source(s): Quarterly Routine Water Monitoring, EPC Monthly Routine Water Monitoring, Hillsborough County Lake Assessments, EPC Water Quality Data, EPC Water Quality data gathered from reports, Hillsborough County Environmental Management Division, LAKEWATCH Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring, FDEP Historic Data from Legacy STORET, Polk County Parks & Natural Resources Division, Biological Research Associates , FDEP Watershed Monitoring Section, IMC Agrico (Florida), SWFWMD Water Quality Sampling Data, Tampa Bay Water, FDEP Southwest Regional Operations Center, FDEP, Water Quality Standards and Special Projects (Florida), Stream Waterwatch Water Quality Data, Volunteer , USGS National Water Information System, FDEP Watershed Monitoring Section, Hillsborough County Environmental Services Division, Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County, Pasco County Stormwater Management Division, Polk County Natural Resources Division, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Tampa Bay Water, FDEP - Southwest Regional Operations Center, FDEP - Watershed Assessment Section

Samples from most lakes located in this watershed are averaged as part of these data summaries.
Season Total Nitrogen Nitrate (NO3) Total Phosphorus Orthophosphate Number of Sample Stations Number of Samples
OCT-DEC 2024 1,072 ug/l No Data Available 426 ug/l 0.44 mg/l 3 5
JUL-SEP 2024 1,589 ug/l 12.2 ug/l 251 ug/l 0.26 mg/l 11 16
APR-JUN 2024 2,532 ug/l No Data Available 175 ug/l 0.08 mg/l 21 28
JAN-MAR 2024 1,304 ug/l No Data Available 71 ug/l 0.08 mg/l 48 105
OCT-DEC 2023 1,164 ug/l No Data Available 63 ug/l 0.1 mg/l 59 119
JUL-SEP 2023 1,145 ug/l No Data Available 59 ug/l 0.13 mg/l 57 119
APR-JUN 2023 1,896 ug/l No Data Available 104 ug/l 0.1 mg/l 50 72
JAN-MAR 2023 1,453 ug/l No Data Available 66 ug/l 0.07 mg/l 63 125
Five Year Seasonal Graph No Data Available
Five Year Graph of All Samples

Source(s): EPC Monthly Routine Water Monitoring, Hillsborough County Lake Assessments, EPC Water Quality Data, EPC Water Quality data gathered from reports, Hillsborough County Environmental Management Division, Water quality data collected by the City of Lakeland, LAKEWATCH Supplemental Water Quality Sampling, LAKEWATCH Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring, FDEP Historic Data from Legacy STORET, Polk County Parks & Natural Resources Division, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Water Quality Data, FDEP Watershed Monitoring Section, Polk County Natural Resources Division, SWFWMD Water Quality Sampling Data, FDEP Southwest Regional Operations Center, FDEP, Water Quality Standards and Special Projects (Florida), SWFWMD Water Quality Sampling Data (Ken Romie), SWFWMD Water Quality Monitoring Program Data, USGS National Water Information System, FDEP Watershed Monitoring Section, Hillsborough County Environmental Services Division, Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County, Florida LAKEWATCH, Polk County Natural Resources Division, Southwest Florida Water Management District, FDEP - Southwest Regional Operations Center, FDEP - Watershed Assessment Section, City of Lakeland

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    Groundwater Quantity: Aquifer Resource Indicator

    Southwest Florida Water Management District calculates the Aquifer Resource Indicator (ARI) for their three groundwater regions each month. The ARI was created to provide the public with a gauge of groundwater levels in their area, so they can develop an understanding of the severity and cycles of drought and recovery. The three regions include: North (Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Levy, Marion, and Sumter counties), Central (Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, and Polk counties), and South (Charlotte, DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, Manatee, and Sarasota counties). Learn More about the Aquifer Resource Indicator >>

    To determine the ARI for a region, each well is compared weekly to its respective low-normal value and the difference is calculated. The weekly differences are reduced to a monthly value for all monitoring wells within a region, and the resulting ARI value represents how far water levels in the aquifer must rise or fall to reach their respective low-normal values.

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    Source: SWFWMD Hydrologic Data Section Data

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      Stream Flow and Levels

      Stream level and flow data for the Hillsborough Bay Watershed. Learn More about Stream Flow »

      River Flows Whole River Range Flows Data by Segment Levels Whole River Range Levels Data By Segment
      Alafia River In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Alafia River - North Prong In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Alafia River - South Prong In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Archie Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Baker Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Blackwater Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Bullfrog Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Delaney Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Delaney Creek Popoff Canal In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      English Creek In the past 30 days
      NO DATA
      Recent river flow data is unavailable.
        No data table or graph available
      In the past 30 days
      down Average water levels are lower than they have been historically.
      Flint Creek In the past 30 days
      NO DATA
      Recent river flow data is unavailable.
        No data table or graph available
      In the past 30 days
      same Average water levels are the same as they have been historically.
      Hillsborough River In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Little Alafia River In the past 30 days
      NO DATA
      Recent river flow data is unavailable.
        No data table or graph available
      In the past 30 days
      down Average water levels are lower than they have been historically.
      Thirtymile Creek In the past 30 days
      NO DATA
      Recent river flow data is unavailable.
        No data table or graph available
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Trout Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Bellows Lake Outlet In the past 30 days
      same Average river flow is the same as it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Cypress Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      up Average water levels are higher than they have been historically.
      Curiosity Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      down Average water levels are lower than they have been historically.
      North Archie Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      down Average water levels are lower than they have been historically.
      Fivemile Creek In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      down Average water levels are lower than they have been historically.
      Poley Creek In the past 30 days
      NO DATA
      Recent river flow data is unavailable.
        No data table or graph available
      In the past 30 days
      down Average water levels are lower than they have been historically.
      Fox Branch In the past 30 days
      down Average river flow is slower than it has been historically.
      In the past 30 days
      down Average water levels are lower than they have been historically.

      Source(s): Not Available

      Source(s): Not Available
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