Metadata Summary: Mote Marine Laboratory Weather and Tide Data
Dataset Type: Monitoring/Sampling Data
Name of Data Source: Mote Marine Laboratory Weather and Tide Data
Number of Water Resources Sampled: Unknown
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset): MOTE_HYDRO
Description of Datasource: Water levels, temperature, weather, and tide data from stations operated by Mote Marine Laboratories.
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas: Automated transfer via FTP
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas: Near Real-time
Data Current on Atlas as of: 10/7/2024 12:35:10 AM
Period of Record Within the Atlas: 4/8/1965 - 10/11/2021 10:30:00 PM
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Custodian Information:
Mote Marine Laboratory
Information Systems
Contact Name: James Hillier
Contact Phone: (941) 388-4441 x355
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